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Bishop's Maze Build

Thank you for wanting to help on this adventure map. I plan to keep working on this to make it enormous! At the heart, it's a maze, but with challenges, obstacles and traps. I want it to be 3D, so they have to go up into maybe buildings and down underground. Here are the rules for building that I want to stick to.

  • The maze main line is marked with glowstone so it is easy to follow the line from beginning to finish. I may leave major obstacles like lava parkour and glass maze open to the sky so people can watch them do the obstacles.
  • You may build obstacles and challenges as part of the main line, and you can even re-route the main line if you need to (say for a big parkour challenge), but just make sure that you reconnect the main line and mark the new path with glowstone.
  • Build as many side mazes / obstacles / traps as you like, but don't mark them with glowstone, so these side mazes don't get confused with the maze main line.
  • Every so often, put in a bonus area that gives them health or food. I don't want the maze to be impossible, but I don't want it to be easy either.
  • Be careful how close you put things like dispensers. You need the dispenser at least six blocks away so that they can't click on the dispenser and steal all the food or potions out of it.
  • You can set up dispensers to give them certain items to complete a challenge (see the wolf trap where I give them a shovel to kill wolves with), but remember that they can't place or destroy blocks and you want to possibly take the item away when they're done with the challenge. Like the wolf trap, I have them put the shovel in the hopper to get food for health. Also make sure that if you're giving them an item for a challenge, you make it so they can't get multiple items. Again, with the wolf trap, when they complete the combination challenge right before it, it shoots out a shovel that they pick up after going through a one-way iron door. This way they can only get one shovel.
  • When I make the map public, they will be unable to place or break blocks and it will be in survival mode. So, when you create traps that prevent them from continuing (like a one way door with a dead end), you need to make sure the trap will kill them so they don't have to ask us to kill them with a .k command.
  • Traps should be self-healing. Meaning if someone sets off a trap, we shouldn't have to go over there to fix it before the next person gets to it.
  • Use hoppers and chests to make sure bonus areas or traps stay stocked with things like arrows or potions. It's no good to have a trap if it runs out of arrows, or a bonus area that runs out of healing potions.